
Amway - 6 Reasons That Make It the Perfect Business Model

I know that a lot of you are already involved in Amway or you are shopping around for a MLM company to hang your heart on. You may be anxious and nervous because let's face it, Amway and other Network Marketing companies have gotten some bad press over the years. But after a lot of research into the nature of the Amway business I have found that Amway truly is "The Perfect Business Model." I would like to explain this to you. Multi-Level Marketing (aka MLM) has been around for years and it is a outstanding method to get products into the hands of consumers. I realize that Amway has gotten Motorcycle Goggles a “bum rap” from many over the years and yes, I must say that I too have had negative things to say about Amway.. I have heard Amway called every thing from a "get rich quick" scheme all the way to a down right scam. Again, I myself have been guilty of this. But just recently my opinion was changed radically and it came about when I reunited with an old friend that I had once worked with in the banking industry. She was one my best friends and I had known her for over 30 years. I took the time to hear what she had to say. What she had to say made perfect sense to me. Five years ago my husband and I sold our business of 30 years. When you own your own business there is no such thing as leaving your work at the office. No aspect of the business escaped us, nor could we escape from it.. It was a 24/7 workday most weeks with little down time. I must Nail Brush say it was an interesting and mostly profitable 30 years! This being said, I will now tell you why I believe Amway is the Perfect Business Model. Reason #1 - Professionals are in Charge of Your Amway Business Who wants to wear all the hats? There is no way you can be an expert at everything.. Your Amway business structure has taken care of all of that.. You no longer have to worry about product Research and Development, shipping, returns, manufacturing, etc. And another benefit is you don't have to handle returns or complaints, that is all handled by by the MLM company. Reason #2 - Initial Investment is Usually Small Most network marketing businesses I have researched allow their representatives to quality for a small initial investment. This gets you started and your success is determined by YOUR efforts and the results of those efforts. Sometimes you can get lucky and find that one person that will propel your team Reason #3 - Leverage There are only 24 hours in a day. One person (or two in our case) can only do so much. But as a member of a MLM company you have the power of multiplicity, your team is also building your business. Reason #4 - Possibility of Building a Significant Residual Income. Residual income is impossible to build in retail sales. You may have loyal customers that come back to you year after year. But once you close your doors or retire, the income stops. Not so in network marketing. As your down line grows and as your MLM grows, your residual income taps into generation after generation of your down line. I know someone who is still receiving residual income from a MLM company that they were in 20 plus years ago. This may not always be the case, it just depends on the MLM company you join. So let this be a very big factor in choosing what Network Marketing company you join. Reason #5 - Quality of Life In a network marketing company, you are truly your own boss. Your achievements are based on the effort you put into building your business. When you are not working, your business is still growing. While you are spending time with your family, your business is still growing, and while you are away on vacation your business is still growing. Reason #6 - Success Depends on Relationships A lot of people call this relationship marketing and I smile when I hear that. After all, it is all about relationships. From what I have experienced it is all about people helping people. If your down line doesn’t succeed, you don’t succeed. And the same can be said for your up line. Everyone has to work hard to help each other and many strong and enduing friendships are formed. I heard a friend say that the years that he had spent in the networking marketing business had made him a different person. His life improved in a multitude of ways. Here's what I think. Amway IS the "Perfect Business Model."

